The 17th Kingdom is a unique series of playing cards with an hourglass shape, initially created as an experiment for the Patreon 2022 annual rewards. Three decks were eventually printed (Dark Knight, Avante Garde, and Experimental), and this set has all of them, including three special Carat Cases made to fit their unusual shape.
Each deck is contained in a 'foldbox' boasting two foils, embossing, and an ingeniously glue-less construction. The 'foldboxes' also have cutouts through which the edge printing on each deck can be seen as well as the back design.
The illustrations are fully custom, and have been created with the unique shape of the cards in mind, as can be seen from the pictures provided. The Avante Garde edition won the 2023 Diamond award from the 52+Joker society, and the angular designs were certainly a large part of that honor.
Note that the plastic wrap on the Experimental edition creates some minor distortions in the 'foldbox'; this is a known issue with all of these decks, which is why the top corners of the 'foldbox' were removed on subsequent editions.