This set is a unique addition to the Odd Fellows family: Madame Laveau The Soothsayer. These decks, inspired by the renowned New Orleans Voo-Doo Queen Marie Laveau, integrate her mystical practices into its design. Featuring voodoo, divination, chiromancy, and more, it's a blend of the arcane and the mystical. This set has both the Patreon exclusive magenta deck as well as the standard blue edition.
Structurally, the deck mirrors a standard poker set, but with a twist: the court cards represent 12 of the 22 major arcana from the tarot, each linked to a zodiac sign and corresponding month, blending the worlds of astrology and tarot.
The tuck boxes have a variety of outstanding features, including premium pearlized stock with two hot-stamped foils, embossing and debossing, and a holographic 3D sticker which mimics a crystal ball and has a card reveal. Apart from the stunning, fully-custom illustrations, the cards are also luxury creations, featuring gold foil on both sides of each card and gorgeous metallic gilding.
A custom seal has been affixed to the limited edition tuck box to certify this as the Patreon exclusive edition, numbered out of 700.